Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Demi Lovato chatted with NY Post about her bullied past [Because she was an actress]: 'Bullying is a very serious thing to me, I've witnessed it first hand, I was bullied myself when I was 12.' Demi hooked up with teensagainstbullying.org, and said that Madison De La Garza has helped inspire her: 'She's getting to..

..that age where she could start becoming insecure. I want to be able to help other girls around her age come into their own with a strong confidence in their skin, their size, who they are and everything about them selves. Nobody wants pressure and wants to be under a magnifier glass, but there are ways..

..tp be role models without claiming to be perfect. I'm learning and dealing with experiences that all teenagers go through. The way I want to be a role model is not by not making mistakes.. but by helping people overcome things from the obstacles that I've overcome. That's how I want to use my voice and that's how I want to be a role model.'

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